The upshift of valence band edge and the downshift of conduction band edge under tensile strain are responsible for that. 这是因为外加伸展应力使得矽的价电带往上移动以及导电带向下移动造成。
Carriers are transported in the conduction band of the semiconductor to the charge collector. 承运人运输的半导体的导带电荷收集。
The highest-energy band containing electrons is called the valence band, and the next higher one is the conduction band. 填有电子而能量最高的能带称为价带,相邻的更高能带称为导带。
The characteristics of conduction band and forbidden band of photonic crystals are investigated with a macroscopical chord vibrating system indirectly. 得到了类比于光子晶体的亥姆霍兹方程的弦振动系统的本征值方程,并利用该方程研究了光子晶体的导带和禁带特征。
It is found that in a high electric field electrons can transit from the valence band to the conduction band, which is demonstrated to be Zener tunneling in organic semiconductors. 发现在足够高的电场下,价带中的电子可以穿过带隙进入导带,即有机聚合物中的齐纳隧穿现象。
The empty spaces in the conduction band are at too high an energy level to be of use. 导带里的空间则由于能量太高而无法利用。
The SCH layer can provide optical confinement, but at the same time, it also affects the distribution of the carrier ( especially to the electrons in conduction band). 限制层在提供光学限制的同时,对载流子(主要是导带电子)分布也有影响。
Conduction band structure of K 3C 60 single crystal films was studied at temperatures near 200 K. 研究了K3C60单晶薄膜在200K附近的导带结构。
Owing to the properties of the semiconductor are depended on the electronic states and the current carrier distribution at valence band top and conduction band bottom, therefore the band-gap values and the symmetry of the band extremes are the most attention problems in materials design. 由于半导体的诸多性质取决于价带顶和导带底的电子态及其中的载流子分布,因此带隙的大小和能带极值的对称性便成为半导体材料设计最受关注的问题。
The process of decay of photo-generated electrons in the conduction band of ZnO: Zn and ZnO powder materials after excitation with a ultra-short pulse laser has been investigated in this paper by microwave absorption method. 采用微波吸收法,测量了ZnO及ZnO:Zn荧光粉末材料受到超短激光脉冲激发后其导带电子的衰减过程,并测量了室温下荧光材料的吸收光谱和发射光谱。
However doping has no obvious effect on the conduction band tail. 重掺杂还加宽了价带带尾。
Most optical oscillator strengths for the transitions between valence band and conduction band are nearly equal to zero. 价带顶和导带底附近的带间跃迁振子强度大部分都近乎为零;
Finally the variety of the density of conduction band electrons in the ablation process is discussed and the experimental result with avalanche mode is interpreted. 讨论了飞秒激光照射下LiF晶体中导带电子数密度的变化规律,并解释了相应的实验结果。
The Raman scattering spectra of MBE grown GaNAs epilayers were investigated. The resonant enhancement of Raman scattering due to the E+ states in the conduction band was observed and the Raman peaks related to the phonons at non Γ points of the Brillouin Zone were detected. 对分子束外延生长的GaNAs外延层进行了拉曼散射研究,观测到了由于导带中的E+态所引起的共振散射和由此产生的布里渊区非Γ点声子的拉曼峰。
The interband transitions between the subbands of conduction band and valence band for the Quantum wells and superlattices of semiconducters are discussed. 本文讨论半导体超晶格及量子阱导带和价带的量子化亚带或子能级之间的带间光跃迁过程。
Based on the tunneling-pair recombination concept and configuration coordinates principle, and after comparing the model of conduction band with that of the single tunnel level in BaFCI: Eu2+, a model of multiple tunnel levels has been proposed. 基于隧穿对复合发光的思想和位型坐标的原理,在比较了BaFCI:Eu~(2+)导带复合模型和单一隧穿能级模型的基础上,提出了多隧穿能级模型。
The valance band and conduction band can be described very well by our calculated results as well. 同时,计算的结果也能对价带和导带进行很好的描述。
The model includes the production of conduction band electrons ( CBE), laser energy deposition and CBE diffusion. 研究了导带电子的扩散对材料中激光能量的沉积、分布、破坏阈值和烧蚀深度的影响。
The minimum of the conduction band is found at Γ 1 point. 得出了价带位置和能隙宽度,导带的最小点在Γ1。
We explain these phenomena by the space charge limited current and the electronic transition between the X and Γ valleys of the conduction band. 利用空间电荷限制电流和能谷间的电子跃迁解释了上述实验现象。
To most of porous silicon, overhigh annealing temperature can result in quantum-drift change at the edge of valence band and conduction band for porous silicon. 对于大多数多孔硅,过高的退火温度可造成多孔硅的导带和价带边缘的量子漂移的改变。
Due to the quantum effects, the first subband is higher than the conduction band edge. 由于量子束缚效应的存在,第一个子带高于导带底,因此源漏端的势垒高度提高,载流子密度降低,漏电流降低。
Because the transition within the same conduction band ( or valence band) between different sub-bands rely on the direction of light polarization field closely. Thus it is a main problem for this type of detector. 由于同一导带(或价带)内不同子带间的跃迁密切依赖于光极化场方向,因而这类探测器存在的主要问题是对垂直光入射吸收的禁戒性。
SPR is a physical concept of describing the collective oscillations of conduction band electrons in the electromagnetic field, which is influenced significantly by size, shape and surrounding medium. 金属纳米颗粒中的表面等离子体共振是描述其导带电子在电磁场作用下集体振荡的一个物理概念,共振性质受尺寸、形状以及周围介质影响非常显著。
The valence band maximum is a flat band; whereas the conduction band minimum is a parabolic band. 能带中价带顶是一条平坦的能带,而导带底为具有抛物线形状的能带。
In this report, we investigated the conduction band structures of several types of semiconductor low-dimensional semiconductors subjected to external electric and magnetic fields. Our theoretical and computational results can be used to design tunable THz emitters. 本文中我们主要研究了在电场和磁场作用下几种半导体低维结构的能带结构、光学性质和电子动力学行为,并提出了一种可能的可调谐THz辐射源理论设计方案。
Besides, doping of transition metals into makes the conduction band moving down and valence band up due to sp-d orbital hybridization coupling and then narrows bandgap. 此外,过渡金属进入ZnO晶格中之后,由于ZnO和金属离子的sp-d轨道杂化耦合作用,使价带上移导带下移,从而使ZnO带隙变窄。
Thus, the associated electron transition among the valence band, the conduction band and the gap states results in the red-shift of light absorption. 因此,相关的价带、导带和隙态的电子跃迁导致吸收边红移。
The results show that polarization effect has a little affection to the characteristics of Ga-face terminated device, while the graded emitter can eliminate the peak of conduction band and improve the inject efficiency. 结果显示:对于Ga面向上的材料,极化效应对器件特性影响不大,而发射区组分渐变可以消除导带尖峰,提高电子的注入效率。